-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Format: 1.5 Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 22:44:21 +0200 Source: dhcpd Binary: dhcpd Architecture: source i386 Version: 0.5.14-3 Distribution: stable Urgency: high Maintainer: Martin Schulze Description: dhcpd - DHCP automatic IP address assignment Changes: dhcpd (0.5.14-3) stable; urgency=high, closes=17427 12293 . * Applied patch 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 from the Internet Software Consortium. This fixes a security bug recently posted on bugtraq. This patch includes: - Fix two potential buffer overflow problems. - Clarify socket API error message on multiple interfaces. - Fix broken comparison that was setting IP source address to zero. - Only return 64 bytes of options to BOOTP clients, as specified in BOOTP protocol. - Documentation fixes. * Added dpkg-shlibdeps to debian/rules (closes: Bug#17427) * Changed example.com to debian.org (closes: Bug#12293) Files: ef2afb86d9eed2813def4cab56587295 618 net optional dhcpd_0.5.14-3.dsc d4c83dbc1608113b445b7c0cdbdd3153 9910 net optional dhcpd_0.5.14-3.diff.gz c01c96ee59644df15a74d61fa3d41bc9 66034 net optional dhcpd_0.5.14-3_i386.deb Closes: 17427 12293 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2i iQCVAwUBNWSqiBRNm5Suj3z1AQFAiwQAiqPI5Is1Vj+uWMTlllUN8Tx/U1q++CGn gNQuOzcAhb7C0xat51hfg5qgFBOOqHxrOLqEdjHs0RhT5oFfgBXIPCFduia2rfy6 5iAExiJqqceTVpHnLJhtEr3QXF+v6LYjE5J3tKUbpytxg7o/kcxHy7d527PLjYTg EPo4aiQIVa8= =1xVB -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----