These are the installation floppy disks for Debian. Please see the file ftp:install.html (readable with your web browser) for instructions. You can use install.txt if you don't have a web browser, or to print on a PostScript printer. ftp:README This message ftp:cfdisk.txt Manual page for "cfdisk" (the disk partitioning program) ftp:install.html HTML version of the installation manual. ftp:install.txt Text version of the installation manual. PostScript version of the installation manual ftp:boot1200.bin Boot disk - 1.2 MB version. ftp:boot1440.bin Boot disk - 1.44 MB version. ftp:root.bin Root disk - works in any size floppy drive. ftp:base12-1.bin, ftp:base12-2.bin, ftp:base12-3.bin, ftp:base12-4.bin Base disk set - 1.2 MB version. ftp:base14-1.bin, ftp:base14-2.bin, ftp:base14-3.bin Base disk set - 1.44MB version. ftp:md5sum.txt MD5 checksums of all files.